MediaPipe Plugin for TouchDesigner

Making AI for Artists

The world of AI is very fast moving, and inaccessible to most people. Cutting Edge AI tools are either ringfenced behind proprietary cloud implementations, or buried in complex code that only the original developers understand.

I partnered with Torin Blankensmith to solve some of this and implement Google's impressive MediaPipe machine vision library into TouchDesigner as an open source plugin.

TouchDesigner is an industry standard tool when it comes to creating generative and interactive art, so having an easy-to-use plugin that doesn't require any external libraries or installations makes it so easy for artists to leverage cutting edge tools to make art.

Check out our launch video for an overview of what MediaPipe can do!

Come ask me How

If you are excited about trying MediaPipe out yourself, or want to ask me questions about other AI vision projects you have in mind -drop me a line and ask, I'd love to hear from you!

Some Stats